Moonscape is a free and freely downloadable high-definition documentary of the Apollo 11 moon landing produced and funded by Apollo enthusiasts, featuring restored and remastered footage and photographs. A copy of the documentary is mirrored here (with permission). For more information about the project, please visit the official site.
Full Documentary Mirror v2 - Last Updated: 2020-04-08Chapters
3 - One Small Step
Neil Armstrong exits the LM and becomes the first man to step foot on the moon.
4 - Magnificent Desolation
Buzz Aldrin exits the LM and joins Neil Armstrong on the surface of the moon.
5 - TV and Flag Setup
Buzz and Neil relocate the TV camera and place an American flag on the moon.
6 - Mobility, Presidential Call and Footprints
Neil and Buzz receive a call from the President of the USA while on the moon.
7 - Samples and Photographs
Neil and Buzz take a number of photographs of the LM and the moons surface, including a panorama.
8 - Science Gear Deployment
Neil and Buzz deploy Apollo 11's science experiments, and take samples from the moon's surface.
10 - Back in the LM
Neil and Buzz begin to prepare the LM for ascent and return from the moon.
11 - Trying to Rest
Neil and Buzz continue to prepare for departure from the moon.
12 - PLSS Jettison
Neil and Buzz discard their backpacks, no longer needed for the return to orbit, by tossing them out of the LM hatch.
13 - End Title
The documentary's end title sequence and closing credits, including a list of donors to the project.
14 - Restoration Demos
A short clip showcasing some of the restorations and rescans that have taken place.